Queen’s Park Equity

We Buy to Build by focussing on entrepreneur-led businesses with accelerated growth potential

£202 million

QPE Fund I

December 2020

The Fund was raised over an unprecedented six-month period of a global pandemic with an investor base comprising some of the world’s leading endowments, foundations, family offices, philanthropic organisations and fund of funds.

The QPE team and 25-strong Ambassador network also invest significantly in the Fund, ensuring we are fully aligned with each and every investment and management team we support.

Our journey

We appreciate the pressures associated with starting up and running a business, as well as the highs and lows experienced along the journey, because we’ve been there.

We seek to build enduring partnerships with like-minded ambitious teams who share our passion, energy and enthusiasm in building and growing great businesses. That’s why we invest our personal wealth alongside our partners.

We successfully raised £202m from a blue-chip investor base to invest in entrepreneur-led businesses operating across the Education, Health & Pharma and Tech & Business Services sectors.

“We excel in supporting management teams through our value creation pillars and the embedded sector expertise of our QPE Ambassador Network who know exactly what it’s like to have walked in your shoes”

Jonny Kay

Managing Partner, QPE

Who are we?

Each team member embodies our core values of Empathy, Energy and Excellence, with a commitment to supporting business owners at the heart of everything we do.

Who are we?

The QPE Values



‘Entrepreneurial empathy’ means the ability to put ourselves in your shoes, being fair and transparent and treating everybody with respect.



Our approach requires a high level of energy and is therefore best suited for management teams looking for support to accelerate their growth strategy.



Always striving to be the best by recognising we can always improve. We support every partnership with our proven value creation initiatives.

Responsible investment

Environmental, Social and Governance responsibilities

Environmental, Social and Governance responsibilities

QPE strongly believes creating a positive environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact is a necessary requirement for consistent long-term value creation.

QPE’s ultimate aim is to generate sustainable returns for its investors by creating stronger and more profitable companies, a responsible approach to their employees, suppliers, local communities’ environment and society. These are crucial for its success.



QPE’s sector areas of focus of Education, Health & Pharma and Tech & Business Services are naturally conducive to selecting opportunities with a positive impact especially, but not exclusively, in the social and governance areas.

QPE understands that entrenching ESG factors throughout all the stages of the investment process and portfolio management is fundamental for building long term profitable and sustainable businesses.

QPE has developed a proprietary, quantifiable ESG process which is applied systematically to every company throughout all the stages of the investment process. ESG is at the forefront of us building long term value.

Queen’s Park Equity LLP

33 Glasshouse Street
London W1B 5DG
United Kingdom

